Tour Operators and Guides

Get access to a community of almost 1 million Adventure Travellers

We are partnering with the best tour operators and guides to share the best adventures on earth with our growing community of adventure travellers. Below we share the how and why about working with 10Adventures Tours. If you think you fit the bill, please reach out to us and let’s start talking.


Why work with 10Adventures Tours?

We partner with the best tour operators and guides around the world to help grow their businesses with a steady stream of adventure traveller guests. Once vetted and approved through our selection process, you can expect:


1. Access to Adventure Travelers

  • All tours on are also listed on, a community of almost a million adventure travellers.

2. Simple bookings

  • We handle the entire booking process
  • We make it easy for you to load your tours – because we’ll do it for you
  • We securely process all payments

3. We support you

  • You tell us what tours, what dates and what prices
  • You get paid in the currency you want
  • We allow you to market your brand


Who are we looking for?

10Adventures Tours has one mission – ensuring our users have a great adventure. We are looking to partner with tour companies who are passionate about their guests, their region and their culture.


The tour companies and guides we partner with typically have the following characteristics:


  • Provide activity-based, small-group tours (no bus tours)
  • Care deeply about their guests, and are responsive to questions and concerns
  • Operate the tours themselves, no middlemen please
  • Have certified guides with strong English skills
  • Have a great reputation and reviews from past guests
  • Where applicable, use quality gear in great condition
  • Know the local region and can share the insider view of what makes that special , whether that is the best place to get local cheese, the best local patisserie or a quaint local restaurant
  • Hold all official certification, insurance and registration to offer these trips; this includes any local registrations for national parks


Vetting Process

We have a vetting process for potential new Tour Operators and Guides partners. You can expect one or more skype interviews, reference checks and a review of all required registration, certification and insurance documents. We also typically send one of our team of contributors or staff on a verification trip, who then report their feedback as part of the process.

There is also an ongoing process of vetting, as customers will post reviews about their trip on 10a-tours and/or 10adventures. Any areas of concern will be followed up by 10Adventures Tours staff.


Apply Now

If you are a great tour operator, taking happy guests on incredible adventures, then we’d love to open a discussion. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you within 1 business day.